Services Offered

How can I help you?

Pet Walking

    Walking your pet is very important because not only does it provide a bathroom break, but is also helps release nervous and anxious energy that can sometimes cause pets to become destructive while you're away.  I can also bring in mail, water plants, and clean up any messes your pet may have caused. 

Pet Sitting

I offer pet sitting in your home during times you are away for extended periods of time.  Contact me for details.

Other Services

I also offer nail trims, anal gland expression, bathing, sanitary trims, and ear cleaning.  Taxi services are available to get your pet to and from grooming and/or veterinary visits.  I also offer Reiki services for your pet.  Any animal can receive the benefits of Reiki.  See the "Animal Reiki" page for a description of what it is and how it could benefit your pet!

**See Prices page for rates**

Located in Murfreesboro, TN 37128
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